Our brain is notoriously bad at remembering things. Just how many times do we stop and think “Wait a minute, what have I done this week?”
Things get more complicated when managing teams and projects where everybody works on different things and at different times.
Today we’d like to introduce you a new feature to help you just with that: the weekly status email.
A Weekly Snapshot of your Team’s Work
This email can be activated by account owners, admins, project managers and group managers. The idea is to receive a weekly time report in the inbox showing the top projects by effort, the amount of time tracked for each, and also which projects have seen an increase or a decrease in the time tracked.
The actual content varies according to the different levels of permissions of all these roles inside Timeneye.
This is what a weekly email looks like for owners, for example:

Imagine opening the email and finding a snapshot of what you and your team members have done in the last week, and the total time entered for each project. No more running around the office trying to recall what your team did last week: you’ll have it delivered directly to your inbox.
Skyrocketing projects are the ones where there has been an increase in the effort and the time tracked compared to the week before.
Falling projects, on the other hand, has seen a decrease in the amount of time tracked.
Managing a team can be tough, so we’ve also added a brief indication of how many of your team members have tracked time (plus, a summary of the roles in the account, to remind you who does what).
For more in-depth data, you can always run a report.
How to Set Up the Email
To activate the email recap, head to App settings>Emails>Weekly status:

Then, set up the day of the week and the time you want to receive your email:

This feature is currently available for our Business plan users
The email is set up at a user level, which means that any admin, owner, project manager and group manager can set up their own email. It’s always possible to turn off the feature from User settings> Emails. Simple users cannot activate and receive the email.
We’re excited to introduce this new feature and we hope to make improvements in the future, so make sure to try it out and let us know what you think!
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